Work Week

In the US, we have established a 5 day work week. The Bible says that, “Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work.” (Ex 23:12 et al.) If my work day is 8 hours, that means I should be working approximately 48 hours each week. Interestingly enough that is almost the average work week for Americans. It seems to me that this is enough to prosper me (meaning meeting my needs plus having some extra to pay off debt, or to put away for savings). In my mind, this is a gauge. If I am working less than this, I am being a bit indulgent. I am not a driven person, but this is a good benchmark for me. If I am working less than 48 hours in a week, I am spending too much time in areas that are not profitable to me. With working 48 hours/week I still have time for devotions, family time, and house maintenance (and a blog once in a while!). But after that, most every other activity I do, I could probably live without. Unfortunately, with my remaining time I tend to do things that are not profitable. So, instead of an hour of TV, how about a brisk walk? Instead of perusing Facebook pages, how about getting into a real book’s pages?
I just think that in a society that focuses on entertainment, the children of the Most High should be different than the children of the world.
But that’s just me.

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Filed under Victory

One response to “Work Week

  1. Wonderful perspective on being a good steward of God’s time, calling, opportunities, and more. He ORDAINED work! It is a commandment. Not 5, but 6 days! Much to accomplish!

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